​Birthday Parties
​*Sport Center is only available for Birthday Parties April-October. *
However, our sister facility Ultimate Goal in Marcellus is available year round to host your child’s Birthday party! Our birthday parties are 2 hours long, with 1 hour on the field and the 2nd hour in the party room.
There are 2 Party Options you can Choose From:
1. $300 for field and party room with a coach. WE WILL SUPPLY THE COACH – The coach will organize and set up/breakdown equipment. The coach will play on the field for the first hour.
2. $250 for 2 hour party using one field with NO COACH (customer will organize their own games)
*2 Hour parties include 1 hour on the playing field and 1 hour in the party room. There is no limit to the number of kids you may have, however the coach can typically handle 15 kids. If your party is larger you may want to hire an additional coach or have adults that can help.
Customer Needs to Bring: Food, Drinks, Paper Products, Decorations, Candles/Matches
We Supply: Tables/Chairs, Sports Equipment
Game Ideas:
soccer, floor hockey, dodge ball, whiffle ball, kickball, flag football, sac races, obstacle course, relay races, capture the flag, toddler games including bubbles, cone towers, parachute games and many more
To book your party email: Jpayneultimategoal@gmail.com